On Thursday, 1st of February 2018, the Institute of Peace and Strategic Studies and African Studies Students’ Studies Association, University of Ibadan in collaboration with Thursday Film Series are delighted to invite you to a guest personality “EVERYDAY EXTRACTION: LIMINALITIES AND ADULTERATION IN NIGER DELTA” by Dr Rebecca Golden-Timsar. It will take place at 2PM Prompt in Drapers Hall, Institute of African Studies, University of Ibadan.

Rebecca Golden-Timsar holds a PhD in anthropology from Tulane University (2012). She is currently Associate Director, Global Energy, Development, and Sustainability, University of Houston’s Graduate Certificate in Global Energy. Her research interests include gender, violence, youth, oil and extractive economies, religion, and contemporary African society. She was a Fulbright Scholar as well as a U.S. Institute for Peace Dissertation scholar. Dr. Golden-Timsar is the author of several publications; her most recent article entitled “Oil, Masculinity, and Violence: Egbesu Worship in the Niger Delta of Nigeria,” was published in Subterranean Estates: Life Worlds of OIl and Gas, edited by Hannah Appel, Arthur Mason, and Michael Watts(2013). Read more about her here

Abstract :

Egbesu, the powerful Ijaw arch-deity of justice and war both promulgated and mitigated violence for Ijaw youths in their struggle against inequality, the Nigerian federal government, petroleum multinationals, and “adulterated Egbesu boys.” The worship of Egbesu pervaded Ijaw youths’ perceptions of order at a time when, elsewhere, Islam and Christianity were central motors of Nigerian politics. The Ijaw Youth Council solicited power from the past to aid and to abet the articulation of militancy and resistance in the present, transforming local, national, and transnational landscapes of power, security, equality, and moral order.

This paper investigates the transformative aspects of extractive violence within Ijaw resistance groups as “original” and “adulterated” and are cast against the Ijaw warrior ethos, masculinity, and socio-religious liminality.

These transformations are intensified by the creative and mercurial roles that both youth and religion play in the mimetic (that is the imitation but with a distortion) production and reproduction of violence and injustices.

Entry is free and no registration is required.



As part of its weekly Thursday Film Series, APKASS in collaboration with ASSA, PACSAA, IFRA (University  of Ibadan) & LIBRA-TV in  its fourth week presents SOY CUBA


I am Cuba |Banner ©Tope Ojo

Soy Cuba (I am Cuba) is an amazing Soviet/Cuban propaganda film from 1964, directed by Mikhail Kalazatov. It was made to celebrate the Cuban revolution. The Cubans didn’t like it because they thought it misrepresented their revolution (it did). The Soviets thought it made pre-Revolutionary decadence look rather too attractive (it did). So it remained virtually unseen for decades until its rediscovery in the 1900s by enthusiasts including Martin Scorsese and Francis Ford Coppola.

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